I was quietly carrying an oversized load of laundry to the nearby campground laundry room when I heard, or thought I heard someone on a bike calling, “Mrs. Meitler!” “But that can’t be,” I thought, “no one knows me here.” But I heard it again and then I saw the most welcome sight and HUGE surprise…the Lee family was in our very campground!! I couldn’t contain the screams of surprise and delight. They are friends from our homeschool group and church back home. They knew we were in Colorado Springs but had no idea which campground (and there are many!) but God knew and He directed their path. Oh, how good for our souls it was to see them. We made some minor adjustments to our plans and spent the next 3 days with them in Colorado Springs. They are on a similar journey around the US,

only they left Feb 25 and will be gone for a year. It was great to get travel and RV living tips from them. And it was far better to spend precious time with them. We still can’t get over how God worked that one out!!
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