This is the story of the Meity Adventure God has given us to travel around the USA in our motor home - our Meity Road Trip. We hope you enjoy the wonders of His creation and the tales of HIStory in the USA along with us.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
9/20/08 Some Philly highlights...
In addition to the yummy Philly Cheese Steaks and delicious Continental Cuisine at the City Tavern, we LOVED all the history here. They say it’s the most historic square mile in the US. I believe it. My favorite stop was Independence Hall and 2nd favorite was The National Constitution Center. But of course, I enjoyed all the historic sites, as well as the Mint and Fed Reserve, Washington’s Delaware Crossing and Valley Forge.
The Month of April: Our big move The Month of May:New Mexico (White Sands NM, Carlsbad Caverns), Texas (San Antonio, The Alamo, Austin, Dallas), Kansas (visiting relatives), Colorado (Denver area visiting a missions pastor and family) The Month of June:Colorado (CO Springs, Pike’s Peak, visiting friends from home, Rocky Mountain National Park, visiting more friends from home), Wyoming (Oregon Trail wagon wheel ruts, Historic Trails sites, Grand Teton NP, Yellowstone NP), South Dakota (Deadwood) The Month of July:South Dakota (Deadwood, Black Hills, Mt. Rushmore, Custer State Park, Badlands, De Smet – Laura Ingalls sites), Minnesota (Walnut Grove, LaBri), Iowa (visit friends), Wisconsin (visit family and friends) The Month of August:Indiana (Indianapolis), Ohio (Underground RR Museum, Creation Museum, visit friends), Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh - visit family, family sites in Western, PA), New York (Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Lockport, Erie Canal, Finger Lakes, Fort Stanwix, Saratoga NHP), Vermont (Bennington, Hildene, Manchester, Weston, Woodstock), New Hampshire (Franconia Notch area and nearby towns, Kancamagus Scenic Hwy), Maine (Acadia National Park) The Month of September:Maine (towns along the coast, Portland, Ogunquit Beach), Massachusettes (Salem, Lowell NHP, Lexington and Concord, Boston, Pilgrim Plantation), Rhode Island (Newport), New York (Hyde Park area, Newburgh, New York City), Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Washington’s Crossing, Valley Forge, Amish Country, Harrisburg, Hershey. The Month of October:Pennsylvania (Gettysburg), Washington, D.C. and vicinity (Mt. Vernon, various DC sites), Virginia Historic Triange (Jamestown, Yorktown, Williamsburg), Virginia (Montpelier, Shenandoah NP, Monticello). The Month of November:Florida (Palm Bay, Kennedy Space Center, Disney World), Georgia (Atlanta), Alabama (Birmingham, Red Bay), Tennessee (Memphis), Illinois (Springfield), Missouri (St. Louis) The Month of December:Missouri (Branson), Oklahoma (camping out due to high winds), Texas (more driving), New Mexico (Albuquerque, Gallup), Arizona (Petrified Forest), California (home, sweet home)
Our Story
Our Meity Adventure began when we sensed that God has a change in our future plans. In seeking the possibilities in full time Christian service, we felt that we needed to sell our home as part of that preparation. The adventure began with the sale of our home – in only two weeks! It occurred to us that since we sold our home, the housing market in our area is horrible, we are waiting on the Lord for His direction for our future, P’s work is such that it doesn’t matter where he lives, and we home school, why not take a motor home trip around the USA? It sounded crazy even to us, but, why not? This has always been a dream of ours that we never thought would be possible until retirement. So, we prayed about it and felt that God was opening the door for us.
While the Meity Adventure began with the sale of our home, the story really began over a year ago when I began consistently praying, that if possible, the Lord would make a way for us to tour the US. We considered various ideas like tent camping, staying with friends and family along the way, possibly just touring the East Coast, renting out our home short term to help with finances, etc., etc. I talked to anyone I could find that did a similar trip. It didn’t seem to make sense practically or financially for us, but I continued to pray for some kind of trip some time in the future. I trusted that since God made me to love travel, if it was His will, He would provide the opportunities as He saw best in His perfect timing.
Well, never in my wildest dreams would I have come up with this plan! Little did I know that selling our home would be the very means of making this trip possible. What began as obedience to God’s calling in our lives, has become this Meity road trip as we wait on God’s continued leading in our lives. We know He has a purpose in this trip as He does in everything. We hope you enjoy the journey with us.
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