Visiting the Mayflower 2 and the Plimoth Plantation was truly like traveling back in time. Scattered throughout the Mayflower and the re-created first village they built when they landed at Plymouth were various Pilgrims. In actuality they were costumed role players who have taken on the names, viewpoints, and life histories of the Pilgrims w

ho actually traveled on the ship and lived in the colony. Each one had a unique story to tell and I loved being able to “get to know” them and hear their fascinating stories as they answered my many questions, as well as the many questions of my kids who were forced to complete a written school assignment by their mean teacher. J I especially loved hearing their comments about their amazing faith – it was very inspiring. The actors stay completely in character (and cannot be tricked!) and are so

well trained - even right down to the accurate vocabulary of the day. This was actually the 3rd time in my life I’ve been here and I could do it again. It is definitely on my Top 10 list of all time favorite historic sites to visit! How could you not like getting to hang out with the Pilgrims?!
OOOHHH!!!! Samuel Fuller was my ancestor!!! How cool! Hey - did you get any background on his wife? There is some controversy that he married after he came to America, but there is not much known about his wife....
Oops - it was the wife of his Father Edward who they don't know much about. She doesn't appear to have come over on the Mayflower...
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