Monday, November 24, 2008

Am I dreaming or did we travel back in time?

Well, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Therefore, I just had to take a picture just to prove it. In a motor home, one is well aware of gas prices so pardon me if I’ve gotten carried away with excitement. Has it been 10 years since gas was so cheap or does it just feel that way?!


Mark said...

As Dorothy would say, "you are not in Kansas or California anymore"

I would love to see that in California


kater :) said...

what an exciting adventure you and your family are on! i wish gas in california was 1.41! lovely blog! travel safely!

Anonymous said...

We were so tempted to take a similar photo!!! I can't believe my eyes!! Its been since the 80s that prices have been this low!

Yet another blessing from God!
Love & Prayers, dwlee3

Anonymous said...

Wow! Impressive! Here in mini-New York it's dropping, too. We have not yet treached the @ mark, but close. Okay, enough about gas, when are you going to be back in mini-NY???????

The Meitler Family said...

Y'all are right. I'm going to have a hard time paying CA gas prices when we get back - I'm definitely getting spoiled!