The Rocky Mountain National Park section of the Continental Divide is picturesque and absolutely stunning. It took my breath away and I can’t imagine ever tiring of its beauty. We enjoyed several hikes – all full of awe inspiring beauty. Our #1 favorite was to Emerald Lake. We passed two other lakes and a good deal of snow hiking before we reached our destination. The lake which was partially frozen provided for fine dining ambience as we picnicked there, complete with a lovely glacier view.

Then after lunch as we headed back, our snow deprived children did some sledding (with an improvised, ranger-provided trash bag sufficing for a sled).

We even invented a new sport (or so we thought) which we dubbed, “shoe snow-skiing.” And actually the girls got pretty good at it. I even took a lesson and a couple practice runs. But, I found I was more successful at sledding. But you never know, from the way the spectators were gathering, you may see “shoe snow-skiing” as an Olympic sport some day. :-)
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