I was waiting for Paul in front of the coffee shop where he was working. As I sat parked in the motor home, using the internet, I got a call from a friend from home (they go to our church and are in the same homeschool group). We were planning on meeting them on Friday night since they were vacationing in RMNP. As I was talking to her I looked down at the car pulling into the parking lot and there she was!! They arrived a day early and “happened” to decide to stop in the very coffee shop where I was parked. First of all, what are the odds that a friend from home would be vacationing in the same place at the same time as us, and second, what are the odds they would arrive a day early and pull into the same coffee shop at the same time? God is so good!! We were so blessed so spend time with these dear friends both on Thursday night and Friday night. The whole Meitler clan enjoyed it immensely!!!
Wow! What wonderful surprises! I'm absolutely loving following you on this journey.
You are so sweet! Thanks for your interest!
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