Tuesday, July 8, 2008

7/8/08 Biking in the Badlands

My favorite part about today was seeing the Badlands on bike. Paul and I took turns riding our bikes along the 22 mile scenic loop. It’s so different seeing something from the slow pace of a bike as you feel the breeze on your face. It offers a different perspective and I think possibly a greater appreciation as one slows down the pace. Besides that - it’s good exercise!


Mel- said...

I've been reading your blog entries with much envy - I would LOVE to do this trip. Some friends and I plan to meet in the Mt. Rushmore/Badlands area next year, so your entries are providing a nice little travel brochure for us - thanks! How exciting it is to see you celebrating God's creation everywhere you go. Keep it up!!

Melanie Corbin

Good Yarns said...

That looks like terrifically hard work in that hot, desert-looking climate! How did he do it?