…We felt that since we met our friends in St. Louis that was an appropriate song to sing, although we could barely remember any more than the 5 words of the title! And, there is no bigger icon of St. Louis than the Arch, which I HAD to see.
I guess it’s like one would feel about seeing the Space Needle in Seattle or the Empire State Building in New York. Though, I will say this was more unique than going to the top of a tall building.

Since the shape is after all an arch, going up the elevator was an experience to be remembered. It was definitely cool. We didn’t have a lot of time after that, but they gave us a tour of some St. Louis sites. One was the ever so famous frozen custard stand, Ted Drewe’s.

We unanimously voted frozen custard superior to ice cream. Even though it was cold out, we enjoyed getting colder in order to eat our delicious frozen custard. :-)
Our time with our friends just flew by. Seemed like we blinked and it was over. We said our sad goodbyes. We quote the Apostle Paul when we say of our friends, we “have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” (Eph 1:16)