Monday, December 22, 2008

Meity Road Trip Favorites

Meity Road Trip Favorites

The question we are most frequently asked is, “What have you liked best?” We all had a hard time keeping our “favorites” list small. The places we listed are not in any particular order. Here goes…

CG: Mt. Rushmore, Disney World, Kansas-family, Wisconsin-family, Washington, D.C., Maine coast, Statue of Liberty, Kennedy Space Center, seeing friends along the way, St. Louis Arch, flying with Mr. T., Niagara Falls, Focus on the Family, going back home.

RR: Disney World, Wisconsin-visiting family, Kansas-visiting family, St. Louis Arch, seeing friends, Mississippi River, Niagara Falls, Mt. Rushmore, St. Louis Arch, NASA Air Show especially the Blue Angels, Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., Pikes Peak, going back to CA.

K: Washington, D.C., Mt. Rushmore on the 4th of July, NASA Air Show at Kennedy Space Center, flying with Mr. T., Air force Academy, Statue of Liberty, seeing friends and family.

RJ: Carlsbad Caverns, Niagara Falls, Mt. Rushmore, Disney World, Seeing friends and family along the way, Washington, D.C., the NASA Air Show at Kennedy Space Center, Philadelphia, Focus on the Family Radio Show, going up in the St. Louis Arch, Statue of Liberty, seeing Regis and Kelly live in NYC (neat to see how they film and they were funny).

P: Carlsbad Caverns, Rocky Mountain National Park, Grand Teton NP, Civil War Museum, Maine Coast, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Disney World, Amish Country – Lancaster County, Colonial Williamsburg, visiting family and friends.

C (me): Carlsbad Caverns, Rocky Mountain National Park, Grand Teton NP, various historic sites along the way (Native Americans, Pioneers, Civil Rights, Civil and Rev. War sites, historic homes, Presidential Museums, etc.), Mt. Rushmore on the 4th of July, visiting family and friends along the way, New Hampshire, Niagara Falls, Philadelphia, Amish Country in PA, Plymouth Plantation where the Pilgrims settled, Washington, D.C., Williamsburg and the Historic Triangle, Disney World (enjoying it with my kids).


Anonymous said...

Your family has a place in my heart! Be sure to give me a high five in Heaven!

The Meitler Family said...

I will look forward to that high five in our eternal home!!

crazycrafter said...

Rebecca and Katelyn (sp?), I don't know if you remember me. I am Hannah Socolofsky, one of Megan Vandewalle's friends from speech. I just found your blog through the Vandewalle's blog: Vans Across America. I think your blog is so neat. Thanks you for it! Blessings,