On our way into Vermont, we spontaneously stopped at a charming road side farm where we picked our own blueberries – 12 pounds of them!! They were so cheap, how could we resist? And, of course we HAD to buy some Dreyer’s Hand Churned Vanilla Bean ice cream to go with the blueberries. Before we knew it, with in just a few hours, four pounds of them disappeared! I can’t imagine how 6

of us could have eaten all that in so short a time! We were wondering if our skin would start to turn blue.
Besides blueberries, we loved the charming farms, old homes, and covered bridges, not to mention all the yummy stops one can make along the way (cheeses, chocolate, maple and related products, homemade bakeries, ice cream, and more)

At Robert Todd Lincoln’s (the only surviving child of Abraham Lincoln) summer cottage (notice the size of the 8000 square foot cottage in the pic), we marveled at the difference between the size of the little log home Abraham Lincoln was born in and the “cottage” his son owned for his summer get-aways. What a difference one generation made!